Contributed by Lenka Gazova . Most recently, CYC has seen decline in provincial funding and without support, the CYC doors will be closed permanently after 38 years!
On Feb 7th Kristyn Wong-Tam, along with dozens of Cabbagetowners, Toronto residents, business partners and children, held a press conference at City Hall to fight for the centre to stay open.
Lucy Troisi, a former city councillor and executive director of CYC, showed her support by making a speech. She pointed out that over 1200 children attend the CYC camp each year, stating “At the end of the day they are city kids who need city of Toronto funding and support. “
Former Olympian John Kalbhenn, who has been training young athletes at CYC for 38 years also said a few words. He spoke of how the centre has sent 10 CYC boxers to the Olympics and how important it is to inspire kids with confidence and determination, the tools necessary to accomplish their goals.
Lindsey Marshal told the story of how CYC has been a part of her life since the age of 9. How she took dance there for 9 years and how the center has become a stabilizing force throughout her life. A place which provided life-long supportive relationships that gave her the confidence she needed growing up. She passionately expressed how local youth and upcoming generations deserve the opportunities that the centre provides.
Since 1972 Cabbagetown Youth Centre has been offering life-transforming services in our neighbourhood and in the inner city of Toronto. We hope its doors will stay open for another 38 years and more.