The show remains open at the Papermill Gallery until Sunday, November 20th at 4pm
We are excited to be back in our favourite haunt, the Papermill Gallery at Todmorden Mills for this year’s Holiday Show and Sale, that remains open and in person through Sunday, November 20th then continues online through November 27th. You can view the show online at www,donvalleyartclub/artshowandsale. The show includes works from 100 talented artists, creating compelling and beautiful art in all varieties of subject matter, styles and media
However we worry about future shows, knowing that our longterm rela-tionship with the gallery is changing. Sadly, our show time for next year has been cut back from two shows to one. We are looking for affordable locations. It’s a challenge and not an easy undertaking. To date we have no alternative options. We are scrambling to find a second location.
The Don Valley Art Club has a long history at Todmorden Mills, the site of our earlier clubhouse, plus many hours of painting and sketching on these beautiful grounds. Until now, we have taken the opportunity to ex-hibit there for granted. Apart from the gallery’s historic and idyllic loca-tion nestled in the natural environment of the Don Valley ravine, the gal-lery itself provides brightly lit, spacious rooms filled with natural light, ideal for showing off the art on exhibit! And, we are deeply committed to the many returning visitors from the community who regularly visit our shows. Much to consider and grapple with as we go forward.
For now, we hope you will visit the Holiday Show. an exciting aspects of this show is that we continue to bring in new art works. As pieces are sold, new ones are hung in it’s place, so there is always new art work to enjoy.
Todmorden Mills is located at 67 Pottery Road , there is no fee for ad-mission and parking is free. Biking is an option, consider coming along the Don Valley bike path. However you choice to come, you won’t re-gret it. It’s a gem. Come and say hello. It is an accessible facility.