After much consideration, we have decided to postpone our Spring 2020 issue until further notice.
In these uncertain times, things are changing daily! To ensure the safety of our loyal readers and our advertisers we feel it is necessary to halt production and distribution at this critical self-isolation time.
As most of you know we distribute door-to-door through a distribution company to homes in and around the Cabbagetown/Parliament St. areas. We also distribute personally to businesses throughout the community, not only to our loyal advertisers, but to other vital establishments that we all consider fundamental in our neighbourhood. Most, if not all, of these establishments, are now closed.
We will continue to keep you up to date via our social media platforms. As soon as we get the green light from the Government that it is reasonable and responsible for us to employ our printer, our distributor and deliver safely without any risk of harm to anyone, we will go to print!
Meanwhile, we will be promoting all our advertisers while the COVID-19 pandemic continues and we encourage everyone to help support our local establishments as much as possible through take-out and delivery, purchases of gift certificates or social media shout-outs.
Please follow us on the following social media platforms:
website –
twitter – @pstreetnews
Instagram – parliamentstreetnews
publishers Instagram – (the adventures of…) – sarahcparliamentstnews
If you have any immediate questions or if you have something you’d like us to publish online, please email me at:
Sarah Cook- Publisher
Parliament St News
Thank you for your understanding in these uncertain times.
Take care, stay safe and self-isolate!