Early in 2020, Adair Roberts, who works in the mental health and addictions sector, started the FEED the FRONTLINES™ TO charity with the support of caring volunteers to help provide meals to frontline works and helping keep restaurants open and staffs employed.
Since the onslaught of the Covid-19, FEED the FRONTLINES™TO (feedthefronlinesto.org), a grassroots not-for-profit initiative, has raised over $330K to purchase and provide meals from 7 Toronto restaurants to frontline healthcare and social service workers. They have now expanded their reach to communities with residents facing food insecurity as a result of the pandemic.
Said Founder Adair Roberts, “Demand for emergency food services has grown while 40% of Toronto’s food banks have been forced to close during this pandemic. We are now expanding to serve individuals and families facing increased food insecurity. We are partnering with the Rexdale Community Hub (the Hub) that supports residents in North Etobicoke, and two local restaurants, Afghan Kebob Cuisine and Xawaash Restaurant, to deliver meals to Rexdale residents who can’t access existing emergency food options. We also are hoping to expand our reach and generate more donations to extend to help other communities in York, Peel and Durham Regions. Individuals and businesses can donate through GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme.com/f/feed-the-frontlines-to or through our website https://www.feedthefrontlinesto.org.”