Contributed by Sarah Phelps
Are you an art lover, collector, or browser? If you haven’t experienced the joy and inspiration that a piece of art can bring you, you are missing out. Finding a painting, drawing, photograph, or sculpture, that you connect with on a deeper level, can be a very positive and often life-changing experience.
Not only does art bring esthetic appeal to a room, it can bring you joy during hard times, inspire you when you are feeling unmotivated, provide positive energy, or represent a significant time in your life. Many people who come to my gallery in search of a painting, often look for a piece that represents a momentous time in their life, one to be celebrated and recognized on a daily basis. They want to look at the painting every day and feel its significance and meaning, which is personal to them, and them only.
One thing is for sure, you don’t need to know anything about art to own a piece of art. You may even gravitate towards it, without knowing why. All that matters is that you connect with it. If a piece of art speaks to you, don’t ignore it! Investigate that feeling. There is something there.