In our last instalment of Cabbagetown resident Desmond P. Ryan’s 10-33 Assist PC, fictional Detective Constable Mike O’Shea–a cop with a knack for working hard and following hunches–and his partner Sal had escaped a poorly-executed murder attempt and discovered that Chelsea Hendricks, the girl who sparked the investigation and was believed to have been long-dead, was still alive.
Thinking that this glimmer of hope would bring her reluctant parents back on side, Mike and Sal pay them a visit. With some cajoling, Chelsea’s mother provides them with a piece of the puzzle that had long been missing. A few personal favours and a late-night jail visit add more life to the investigation.
Very quickly, however, that new life turns deadly when Mike finds himself at the wrong end of a killer’s gun.
Wowza! How can you leave the story here, you ask? Well, you’ll have to join us again in the next issue of Parliament Street News to find out what happens to Detective Constable Mike O’Shea and his team. Or, if you absolutely cannot wait, pick up a copy of 10-33 Assist PC on Amazon or Kobo