Contributed by Paul-François Sylvestre. The name Toronto comes from the Iroquois word Takaronto, meaning “where trees take root in the water”. The first performance of the 50th season of Théâtre français de Toronto is entitled Ici, les arbres s’enracinent dans l’eau (Here, trees take root in the water). It runs from October 26 to 28, at the Canadian Stage on Berkeley Street, with English subtitles.
Ici, les arbres… will be a festival of art forms that include literature, theatre and music. It will highlight the writings of well-known and less-known Toronto French-speaking authors. This rhythmic and festive happening will both cast an expected light on our city and serve as a window on an uncertain world.
The show is under the young direction of Marie-Claire Marcotte and Maxime Robin who want to remind us that, “in this magical place once called Takaronto, a language with its many flavors and accents remains a unifying force”.
As this performance starts the 50th anniversary season of Théâtre français de Toronto, it is free for subscribers; single tickets are available at 50% off the regular price.Info: