Your Voice Matters Local solutions…not soundbites

Opinion – Contributed by Caroline Murphy. Toronto is my home—it has been since immigrating from Ireland in the mid-1990s, and  I’ve spent the better part of 27 years living and working in Ward 13. Why did I stay?  Because the community welcomed me with open arms and gave me the opportunity to work, grow professionally, own a business, and join a group of neighbours that care for one another. It gave me the opportunity to build a life and grow as a person. Ward 13 has afforded me so much, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.

But I’m also worried.

I’m worried because others aren’t getting the same chances. Because as things are, you keep hearing about promises that are never realized and an approach that polarizes us all!  It’s simply not working, not for you, me, or us.

Ask yourself: are we better off today than we were 4 years ago? 8 years ago? 12 years ago?

In a few ways, yes, but in the ways that truly matter, no.

Just look at our overflowing litter bins and broken infrastructure, the homelessness, opioid, and mental health crises, rampant crime and safety issues, the development of homes no one can afford, and the worry on the faces of your neighbours. Does that sound like “proven leadership”? I certainly don’t think so.

Rather, I strongly believe you deserve the same opportunities I had when I arrived in the 90s. The opportunity to access affordable housing, to feel safe walking around your neighbourhood, to build your career, to grow your family, and—frankly—build the life you deserve.

I’m not a politician, I am a resident of Ward 13. And, given where we are today, I think that’s an asset—I don’t have big donors, I don’t speak in flashy soundbites, I’m not indebted to developers, and I am here for you and our neighbours.

Who I am and what I bring is a fresh perspective, someone with the experience to lead and the humility to listen. I also have a strong desire for change. Good change. Change that makes sense and brings us together. Change that brings transparency and accountability to City Hall. Change that says no to insider and “us vs. them” politics.

A change in leadership that rebuilds Toronto Centre as a neighbourhood with safer streets, “smart” developments that create affordable homes, properly funded and accountable community services, and a place of opportunity for all.

We don’t need more of the same—we quite literally can’t afford it. So, I’m asking for your trust, your belief that you and Ward 13 deserve better, and, on October 24th, your vote.

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