Contributed by: Letitia Mancini ~ Family Coach. Remember these key points when introducing new foods:
Introduce one new food at a time.
- Introduce new food by associating it with favourite foods. If not tried; say nothing.
- Introduce new food while you are eating the same food with them. Your child is more likely to try it if you are sharing the experience with them.
- Introduce new food at the right time; when children are hungry.
- Food is taste and texture. Introduce new food in different formats; raw, mashed, boiled, baked, streamed.
- Involve children in the growing, harvesting, recipe selection, buying, cooking and serving process. A child involved in creating their meal, takes pride in their accomplishment and is more likely to eat.
- Don’t talk about whether or not you or your child “likes” the new food. Discuss your interest in and the adventure of trying the new food.
- Finally, give the responsibility of eating back to your child. Let them decide what they want to eat and how much to eat from the foods you have proved for them.
You are thinking; “My child will starve!” Remember, snack time is a few hours away and when hungry, children eat!