Contributed by Randy Brown. There is an exceptional feature in Cabbagetown which mostly goes unnoticed– the chestnut trees on Sumach. This line of chestnut trees runs beside the Necropolis north from Winchester to Amelia and around the corner. Some of the trees are quite old, others planted to replace those which have died. Forestry has maintained this line of chestnuts for many years.
Last year one of the old chestnuts was blown over and has since been replaced by two maple trees! Yes, that’s right, maples, right in the middle of the chestnuts. This was an error on the part of Forestry and since then Raymond Vendrig, Manager of Urban Forest Renewal, has committed to replacing those two maples with chestnuts. The restrictions of Covid prevented that from happening last spring but he has promised that they will be replaced this fall.
We look forward to seeing two new chestnuts trees on Sumach this fall and thanks to Raymond Vendrig for getting this done.