Contributed by Jennifer Shearer
The way we talk about our bodies can have an affect on the little humans in our lives…!
The journey to self acceptance is a long one, which can lead to a lifetime for some. It is hard, I get it. What can be even harder for parents is teaching kids to love and accept themselves inside and out while still battling the negative self talk when the mirrors turn toward them. So what do we do?
First, be mindful of how your speaking to yourself in front of your kids. So many adults I deal with in my fitness & coaching practice remember when one or both of their parents would constantly criticize themselves growing up. We matter just as much, if you notice that you are being unkind to yourself think for a minute if you would say that to a friend or your child? If not, then maybe you don’t deserve it either…
Second, be honest. Have the conversation with them around what self acceptance means. That you can accept things yet still want to make a change, that’s healthy behaviour. Also, have the conversation with them around what it feels like if they are not happy with something. Denying they are feeling insecure will not make it go away.
Getting uncomfortable is what parenting is all about as I have learned with my own 2 kids! These are the real conversations that they will remember and be extremely grateful for when they are dealing with their own lifelong path to self acceptance.
Jennifer Shearer Owner of Body Karma, a wellness based business focused on Personal Empowerment