“ I knew I wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl. Diaries and journals, and stories accumulated in my room for years. Among them, a lengthy letter to the editor of the “Chicken soup for the teenage soul” series.
My plea to have my stories in the books remained unsent.
As a young girl with a disability who had close to no friends (kids were horrible), and who spent most time in the hospital, writing became my escape.
I could put my thoughts , feelings and ideas out without being judged.
As I continued to get older and make my way through school, the one thing I hated most was poetry.
I hated it with a passion. But something changed once I graduated and someone told me that poetry doesn’t always have to rhyme.
From then on, I’ve been in love with poetry. Poetry has become my creative outlet throughout the years.
During last summer, after I had graduated college (with my creative writing certificate thank you very much), I spent two months in the hospital following a suicide attempt and a depressive episode .
During those two months, and going forward, my therapy (some), has been poetry.
It’s weird to think that the depressed and disabled little girl who never thought she’d love to 30, is still alive, accomplishing her dreams.
I just published a book of my poetry on Amazon called “the many Personalities of Me” , which is available now.
You can follow my poetry journey on Facebook by searching “the many Personalities of Me”. I think this is a great message for anyone struggling with disability, mental illness, or just struggling to find life’s purpose.
You can still achieve the goals you set- even the ones from childhood. Let nothing stop you!