Specializing in Ornamental Gardening in the cities most exclusive neighbourhoods. Don has been working in the Industry for 25+ years with the most recent decade being focussed on mature Gardens in Cabbagetown, Rosedale, Yorkville, Forrest Hill, and The Beaches.
Don specializes in renovating and maintaining Ornamental Gardens with a strong focus on formal design. He has built a very loyal clientele that ranges from regular weekly maintenance to a few visits per year. He does what is asked and what is needed, no more.
‘Your Gardener’ has also been known to treat Residential Properties from a Property Management angle. He is supported by many of the city’s finest Contractors from all fields. He believes in taking care of as much as he can by bringing in the best professionals to do the job right. His Gardens respond very well to the program as he uses all earth friendly products with the intention of creating a stable and diverse ecosystem.
If you’re looking for a fresh start to your garden or need property maintenance- Don’s your guy. Contact Don at 416 668 3096 Or birdco@live.com