What the heck is going on at Menagerie Pet Shop?!


Hey folks, Kaelo Gallagher here from Menagerie Pet Shop. A lot of you may be wondering what the status of our beloved neighbourhood pet shop is. Well, it’s been an interesting few years (as all of you surely know) and while we thought we survived the pandemic, we’re not out of the woods just yet. […]

What has Parkscape Done for Cabbagetown?


Contributed byAnita Bostok and Norman Hathaway. As summer draws to a close, so will Parliament Street’s widely publicized, Parkscape. The question is, did the temporary park add value to the neighbourhood in the eyes of the residents? As Cabbagetown realtors and residents, we set out to find the answer. According to Virginia Gallop, executive director […]

Suing A Loved one


Contributed by Tony Lafazanis www.TLLawCanHelp.com In Ontario, there seems to be a taboo about bringing a legal claim against a loved one. Litigation is seen as conflict, so bringing a claim against someone instantly sounds like you don’t like them, or you’re trying to start a fight against them, or a dozen other negative things. […]

A magnificent Parkscape in Cabbagetown


We interrupt this moment in the never-ending news of multiple elections to bring you news of something beautiful, green, fresh and welcoming. The Cabbagetown Parkscape is coming soon, and will keep us all cool, green and shaded right through summer into early autumn. The idea for the Cabbagetown Parkscape came to light in 2021, born […]

MPP Job Description

Contributed by George Smitherman, MPP representing Toronto Centre – Rosedale, Toronto Centre in the 34th, 35th and 36th Parliament (1999-2010) Position: Member of the Ontario Legislature Employer: Legislative Assembly of Ontario Position Rank: 1 of 124 “Seats” in the Legislature MPP Compensation:     $ 116, 550 (unchanged 2010!) (Less than Toronto City Councillors and […]

Let’s end the era of irresponsible development, together.

regent park

Contributed by Walied Khogali Ali, Community Advocate , Toronto Centre. – As spring concludes and we prepare for the hot summer months ahead. Let’s remember that we are living through times of crisis. A pandemic. A global recession. A climate crisis. Also a housing crisis that will deeply impact our future for decades to come. In […]



Local residents and Real Estate agents Norman Hathaway and Anita Bostok of bostokhathaway.com introduce us to local Cabbagetown Shop keepers is their ongoing series “Getting to Know you”. Cabbagetown is a neighbourhood of beauty, heritage, cultural diversity and inclusion. We are Anita Bostok and Norman Hathaway and we’re proud to contribute this regular feature where you […]

Thoughts from Kyiv 


Contributed by Professor Mychailo Wynnyckyj in Kyiv. He and his family are in hiding, writing and fighting from a safe(r) house outside Kyiv – Yesterday’s bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol was a turning point. Too many emotions. Too much evil. So much determination. This has to be the last time! My wife and I […]