Contributed by André Bermon, Publisher of The Bridge News. Behind the hysteria of Covid-19 cases and deaths, the wealth of the top percenters continues to grow. While the pandemic has upended the lives of millions of people around the world, large corporations are quietly amassing one of the largest consolidations of wealth in human history. […]
Combatting THE Opioid Crisis
Heart 2 Heart First Aid & CPR Helps Combat Toronto’s Opioid Crisis Contributed by Nick Rondinelli. Heart 2 Heart First Aid & CPR Services Inc. has been in operation for 21 years, servicing Downtown Toronto East. We have provided emergency response training to thousands of healthcare providers and support workers in harm reduction, outreach, shelters, […]
OPINION – Change is in the Air
Change is in the Air, and a growing number of traditionally not involved residents are getting active. Contributed by K Fisher There has never been a greater need for change at city hall then ever before. We have tolerated mediocrity from our city counselors, in the past, because there was never a real crisis to […]
Embracing Grief Through Creative Writing
Written by A. Das Sarkar. — Grief is an unwelcomed teacher who inevitably comes knocking on each of our doors. The question is not, do we answer? But, how? When I lost my mother, Maa, I felt rudderless. More than my mother, she was my best friend, my teacher, my most heartfelt cheerleader, and the […]
From 233 to 218 Carlton Street
By Nick Rondinelli, 21 Year Resident and Business Owner in Cabbagetown.- Another Cabbagetown Commercial/Residential Property Taken Using Delegated Authority in an Already Saturated Area. My name is Nick Rondinelli. I have been a resident and business owner on Carlton St. in Cabbagetown for 21 years. Some of you may have seen a video series I […]
Annamie Paul, leader of the Green Party of Canada.
This month’s by-election gives Toronto Centre the opportunity to break away from the status quo and elect Annamie Paul, leader of the Green Party of Canada. She is an experienced and passionate professional and activist, and a tireless community advocate who has a personal stake and deep roots in our community. Born in Toronto Centre, […]
I have certain expectations
Maples on Sumach?
Contributed by Randy Brown. There is an exceptional feature in Cabbagetown which mostly goes unnoticed– the chestnut trees on Sumach. This line of chestnut trees runs beside the Necropolis north from Winchester to Amelia and around the corner. Some of the trees are quite old, others planted to replace those which have died. Forestry has […]
Contributed by Erdine (Dee) Hope, Toronto Writers Collective – My name is Dee Hope. That is what I am called here in the downtown core, where I grew up and worked for the past fifty years but is now a gentrified community. Currently I am a caseworker for a mental health and addiction support agency, […]
Spring 2020 Issue
SO LONG SARAH! Sarah Cook, our publisher for the last two years, has taken on a new opportunity. Sarah will infused some new life into the Parliament Street News, got the Instagram going and developed some great advertiser and contributor relationships. Thanks for all the hard work, Sarah. You will be missed. Spring 2020 Issue […]