Necropolis Cemetery


Contributed by Enzo Dimatteo, Originally published in Now Magazine, Cabbagetown’s Necropolis Cemetery makes a ghostly wandering ground for a treacherous time in Victorian Toronto’s history The gravestones of the more than 50,000 people buried at Necropolis Cemetery are literally everywhere – scattered in tiny vales here and there, hidden behind trees and perched precariously on […]

Trees From Seeds


Green Thumbs has been growing urban trees from seed since 2017 has engaged thousands of school children, who have planted hundreds of successful seedlings. The species we grow most is the Kentucky Coffee Tree for its ease of germination. Its Anishaabemowin name is Biizhou-aatig, or Big Cat Tree. One theory is that the name comes […]

Cars or Children Will Toronto Support Mothers?

Opinion contributed by Celeste D’Costa Ulicki. The Toronto daycare market fails parents. Demand outstrips supply and parents report long waitlists and expensive care. The pandemic has highlighted the fact that women still bear a disproportionate burden of domestic responsibilities.    In 2016, my parents purchased a home in Cabbagetown. Two one-way streets with 30 km/h […]

Peer Support Responder


A community initiative by Heart2Heart CPR that provides FREE training and supplies to people likely to encounter opioid poisoning. Written by: Nick Rondinelli, Owner of Heart2Heart CPR.   Heart to Heart First Aid CPR Services Inc., is proud to present a Johnston-Brais Initiative called “Peer Support Responder.” This new and FREE training program is our […]

Charlie’s FreeWheels (CFW) = pop-up style free bicycle repairs


Contributed by: Reagan McSwain- Since Covid restrictions have been in place there has been an increase in demand for all things bicycle-related and access to bicycle repairs is no exception. Charlie’s FreeWheels (CFW) has been touring the city pop-up style as they offer free bicycle repairs to youth under 25. “Lots of people are cycling for the […]